Principal's Message
Principal's Message
Schools, parents, community members and local school officials together share responsibility for educating the children of Arnaudville Elementary. Each group, collectively and individually, must realize the importance of its actions in helping our children success in school.
The administration and staff of Arnaudville Elementary aim to give our students what a good school must - an appreciation for knowledge and learning and the habits and motivation necessary for success and achievement. At Arnaudville Elementary, we will hold to the traditional American view that no immutable law dooms a child to failure and will work tirelessly to produce successful students as evidence.
We believe parents are a great asset and we enlist their help. WE will make an all out effort to get parents and adults from throughout the community involved in the enterprise of education at Arnaudville Elementary. This community of adults, parents, and the administration and staff of Arnaudville will make clear to students that each can and will learn.
Our school will help children further develop the qualities of character and respect for the principals of right and wrong that are prized by American society at large. The administration and staff understand the ideals and knowledge we must communicate remain the same for all students. We fully realize the students learn best when they are offered the best: clear standard of behavior, a curriculum that is rich and challenging, and vigorous teaching.
In our efforts to establish and maintain quality, excellent schooling, we will give quality homework, tough discipline, and encouragement to achieve. We will set goals for students in precise and measurable terms. We will teach the basics- reading, mathematics, science, social studies, writing, English - and communicate the essentials of American culture - history, literature, patriotism, and democratic principals.
Whatever is written on the heart of a child will remain there always. As educators of Arnaudville Elementary shaping children's most formative years, we assure you that we will take care to write only that which will lead to intellectual, social, and emotional growth on the valuable and vulnerable hearts entrusted to us.
Educationally yours,
Mary R. Miller, AES Principal