Virtual Learning Academy

The St. Landry Parish Virtual Learning Academy at SLATS is open to all students in grades 6-12 who are enrolled in St. Landry Parish School System. Although the program is open to all students, it may be most beneficial to students who possess the following:
Self-motivation with a desire to learn independently
Good time management skills
Prefer asynchronous learning versus the traditional classroom
Works to complete assignments on or ahead of time
Possess adequate technical skills (comfortable working on a computer)
Desire to seek an advanced course program not available in their assigned school
has a need for flexibility
Desire to graduate early
Has access to the Internet at home
Virtual Learning is a voluntary program for students, however, once a student has been accepted and registers, he/she will remain in the program for the entire school year. A student will not be granted approval to transfer back to his/her base school after school begins.
Promotion Requirements for ALL Programs
Students must complete 100% of the work designated for a nine-week period. Students will receive a letter grade of A, B, C, D, or F each nine weeks on JCAMPUS report cards. A student must earn at least a final average of 67% to receive credit for the course. If a student does not complete the virtual course by the end of the second (2nd) grade reporting period (1/2 credit course) or by the end of the fourth (4th) grade reporting period (full credit course), the student will receive an F for the final grade and no credit will be earned for the course. All students must take all standardized tests for the appropriate grade level.
Why should I choose St. Landry Parish Virtual Academy?
The St. Landry Parish Schools Virtual Learning Academy (SLPVLA) provides students and parents in St. Landry Parish Schools an opportunity to learn through non-traditional means in grades 6-12. St. Landry Parish will begin offering an array of virtual courses in the subjects of English Language Arts, mathematics, social studies, and science, as well as a variety of electives. SLPVLA also offers students the option to learn in a self-paced environment and customized education to support student goals.
SLP Virtual Learning Academy graduates earn their high school diploma from one of our partnering public schools in St. Landry Parish.
Monday - Friday
7:45 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
*Students follow the same calendar as all St. Landry Parish public schools.