Instrumental Music
Band Director - Steven Smith
The MACA High School Instrumental Music Department strives to provide all students with a well-rounded, challenging and focused musical education which can be used and appreciated for life. The philosophy of the Instrumental Music program is that:
1. Students will gain knowledge, understanding, and skills that will enable them to perform in musical ensembles.
2. Students will be inspired to constantly seek improvement of their skills.
3. Students will appreciate music as an art and its necessity for human existence.
4. The skills that students acquire will help them be successful in other areas of their lives.
All of us may not turn out to be world-class musicians but we can aspire to be world class people. Your success is not determined as much by your ability as it is by your approach.
Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything.

Below is a list of scales and songs required for an Instrumental Music audition.
7th-8th Grade Band: Bb, Eb, Ab, F, G, C and Chromatic Scale
Set 1 Etudes
7th-8th Grade Piano: All 12 Major Scales, Two Octaves minimum with both hands. Two contrasting classical compositions.
High School Band: All 12 Major Scales/Chromatic Scale and Set 1A, 1B Etudes. All scales and songs may be found here.
Middle School Piano: All 12 Major Scales, Two Octaves with both hands. Two contrasting classical compositions.
High School Piano: All 12 Major Scales, Four Octaves with both hands from “Hanon, The Virtuoso Pianist” (Available at Lafayette Music or online). Two contrasting classical compositions.