Art Teacher
Visual Arts

Mrs. Michelle Reed

Mrs. Kimberly Becnel
Art Teacher
The Magnet Academy for Cultural Arts visual arts department aspires to offer those students in the St. Landry Parish school system, who have shown exceptional artistic ability the opportunity to not only complete their core academic courses but also to provide them with the lessons they need to thrive in the visual art world.
Not only can our students depend on their art teachers to serve as mentors but they can also count on classmates, faculty and even themselves to make them better artists through art introspective and respectful critiques.
The junior high visual arts program at MACA strives to take the already present talent that these students possess and guide them through art activities and projects that will enhance their technical skills, artistic creativity and knowledge of art theory and history which they can then apply to their work to create complete and finished artistic products. These artistic products will show a thoughtful and organized train of thought which not only creatively communicates their opinions on a social and personal level but also provokes interest and conversations on the issues from the viewer.
When the students have reached high school they will have found their strength in a particular art media which will then give them the confidence to pursue more challenging projects in their chosen medium. By the end of their high school career, the students will have created an art portfolio brimming with the beautiful work that they have created and organized in a fashion to show off the evolution of their growth as an artist.

Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.