Kona Ice will be on campus Friday, January 31. Find those refillable cups and put them in your child's backpack. Prices range from $3 - $7. Please send money with your child in the morning.
about 1 month ago, Billie Cortez
Kona Ice
Please check out this week's newsletter for important information. We hope everyone had a great winter weather experience. We cannot wait to see all the students tomorrow. https://secure.smore.com/n/fh0a8 Read more about: - Our school attendance goal is to maintain a 95% attendance rate. 👏 Shoutout to 4th grade for reaching the attendance goal the week of Jan. 13-17!đŸ’Ș It is important that your child attends school daily. - Wednesday, January 29 - Popcorn sale for $1.00 and class picture day. Students are to wear their school uniform. - Friday, January 31 - Kona Ice and 100th Day of School. Students may wear a 100 day shirt.
about 1 month ago, Billie Cortez
Ask questions to help your child think about the process of learning When students think about how they learn, they stay more motivated to learn more. When discussing schoolwork with your child, ask questions like: What do you already know about this work? What questions could you ask to learn more? Which parts do you think you do really well? Which are challenging? Does it get easier as you go along? https://tpitip.com/?15aZ17376
about 1 month ago, Billie Cortez
Reading time isn't over when you reach 'The End' Some of the best reading times come after you've closed the book. After reading aloud together, ask your child to retell the story. Which were the best parts? Why does your child think so? Next, help make connections between the book and your child's own life. Has your child ever felt like any of the characters in the story? Thinking and talking about books enriches your child's reading experience. https://tpitip.com/?15aY17376
about 1 month ago, Billie Cortez
Point out strengths when your child struggles Even the most capable students sometimes complain, "I'll never get this! I'm stupid!" To address self-criticism, remind your child of past successes. Talk about ways your student's hard work has paid off. Put setbacks into perspective by saying things like, "You got a disappointing grade, but you gave it a good try. Let's talk about things that will help you do better next time." https://tpitip.com/?15aX17376
about 1 month ago, Billie Cortez
Due to the school closure, the 100th Day of School Celebration has been rescheduled to Friday, January 31, 2025. All students are invited to wear a 100th Day shirt to celebrate this milestone. Pre-K and Kindergarten students are also welcome to dress like they are 100 years old for the occasion! We look forward to celebrating with everyone!
about 1 month ago, Billie Cortez
100th day
Encourage an early start on weekend assignments When there is schoolwork to do over the weekend, many kids put it off. Then, they panic Sunday night when the work must be done. Encourage your child to tackle assigned work on Friday. Classroom learning will be fresh in your student's mind, so the assignment will likely take less time. Serve a fun dessert as a reward. Then, enjoy relaxed weekends together! https://tpitip.com/?15aW17376
about 1 month ago, Billie Cortez
Encourage the qualities that make your child a good friend Having friends at school contributes to students' positive feelings about education. To help your child be a good friend, explain that friends are respectful, polite and listen to what others have to say. Talk together about good sportsmanship and the importance of standing up for what's right without being rude. Encourage your child to be friendly, smile at classmates and say "Hi." https://tpitip.com/?15aV17376
about 1 month ago, Billie Cortez
Engage your child in active thinking Here are four ways to help your elementary schooler be an active thinker: 1. Encourage your child to ask questions. Then, listen and answer the questions seriously. 2. Ask your child to find facts to support opinions. 3. Encourage your child to wonder about how things work. Together, you can investigate and find answers. 4. Challenge your child to make estimates: "How long do you think it will take to do this math?" https://tpitip.com/?15aU17376
about 1 month ago, Billie Cortez
❄ It's snowing Lil Red Hots!! ❄ We want to see how our students, staff, families, and community are enjoying this special snow day! ⛄ Are you building a snowman, having a snowball fight, or making a snow angel? Share your snowy moments with us by posting your pictures here! 📾 Let's share the winter fun memories with each other! Enjoy this special day, but remember to stay warm and be safe. #PBESsnowday đŸŒšïž
about 1 month ago, Billie Cortez
Snow Day
Stay up-to-date on your child's progress When poor grades catch families by surprise, some parents may do and say things they regret later. Avoid such surprises by staying aware of how your child is doing. Review your student's schoolwork daily, and talk about it together. What was easy? What was challenging? Chat often with your child about how school is going and listen closely. The stories students tell can reveal a lot. If you have questions or concerns, reach out to the teacher to get answers and discuss ways to support your child's learning. https://tpitip.com/?15aT17376
about 2 months ago, Billie Cortez
Let boredom teach time management skills Time management is an important school skill. Learning to manage free time to avoid boredom is helpful practice for students. Build your child's skills by limiting recreational screen use and encouraging self-entertainment. Express confidence in your child's abilities: "I know you can think of something to do." To avoid trouble, be sure to stay aware of what your child is up to. https://tpitip.com/?15aS17376
about 2 months ago, Billie Cortez
Make it easy for your child to tell the truth Honesty is a habit. To help your child develop it, point out honesty when you see it. If your child hasn't done something you've asked, but honestly admits it, praise the honesty. "You do need to go make your bed now, but I'm glad you told the truth." And if your child isn't honest? Ask why not. "Were you afraid of getting in trouble?" Then ask, "What might you have done instead of lying?" Praise your child for coming to the right conclusion. https://tpitip.com/?15aR17376
about 2 months ago, Billie Cortez
Your child can learn a lot from tests Students often think that learning is only necessary before a test. But a lot of learning can happen afterward, too. When children review tests and identify the kinds of mistakes they make, they can learn how not to repeat them. Mistakes are commonly careless errors, or the result of lack of preparation or poor habits. Encourage your child to correct mistakes on tests. Then, brainstorm together about ways to avoid making the same kinds of errors again. https://tpitip.com/?15aQ17376
about 2 months ago, Billie Cortez
Mrs. Hadley's marine scientists have been investigating how dolphins communicate with their calf. In order to find the answer to this question, students have been learning about wave patterns.
about 2 months ago, Kaitlin Hadley
Inspire your child's desire to learn Students who are motivated only by rewards rarely do more than the minimum needed to get by. But children who are motivated by their own desire to learn are more likely to stick with a task, retain what they learn and earn higher grades. To inspire inner motivation, ask what your child wants to learn from a project. Point out progress, and ask your child to share new knowledge with you. https://tpitip.com/?15aP17376
about 2 months ago, Billie Cortez
Attendance matters: Our school goal is to maintain a 95% attendance rate. Please help us achieve our attendance goal by ensuring students attend school regularly, arrive on time, and be present for the entire school day. Together, we can reach our goal!
about 2 months ago, Billie Cortez
Attendance matters: Our goal is to maintain a 95% attendance rate, but unfortunately we did not meet this goal last week. We need your support to ensure students attend school regularly, on time, and for the entire school day. School hours: Start time 7:45 am and end time 3:00 pm. Attendance plays a crucial role in helping students develop essential skills and succeed academically. Please help us by making attendance a priority. Together, we can reach our goal and give students the best opportunity to thrive! Thank you for your partnership.
about 2 months ago, Billie Cortez
weekly attendance
Turn history facts and figures into a game When your child has to memorize historical names, dates and events, make it fun by playing a round or two of History Concentration. On one index card, write a person's name. On another, write the event or thing the person is known for. Make several pairs of cards and lay them face down. Take turns with your child turning over cards to see who can find more matches. https://tpitip.com/?15aO17376
about 2 months ago, Billie Cortez
Reminder - Bus 564, Kelly Gillen is not running this afternoon.
about 2 months ago, Port Barre Elementary