Good afternoon Lil Red Hot families. Bus 626-Josh Nezat- WILL have a sub driver for tomorrow morning AND tomorrow afternoon.
Help your child relate to history with a time line
Many elementary schoolers think that George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Cleopatra all lived in the same time period: the olden days before the children were born! To help your child get a better grasp of history, create a time line together. Unroll some shelf paper. Write important dates from your child's life at the right end (modern history). Then help your child add historical dates in the appropriate places to the left.
Good afternoon LIl Red Hot families. Josh Nezat's bus - Bus 626- WILL RUN in the morning with a substitute driver. It WILL NOT RUN tomorrow afternoon. Please make the necessary arrangements to pick up your child in the car rider line. If you have transportation issues, please notify the office at 337-585-6172.
Create a student-friendly home
One of the most effective ways to support learning is also one of the easiest: Make your home student-friendly. Start by encouraging your child to make organization a priority. Show that you care about what your elementary schooler is learning by establishing a regular study routine. Model a relaxed attitude about the return to school, and reach out to the teacher if your child is struggling.
PBES: Good evening. PBE has been notified that Bus 626--Josh Nezat--is not running again tomorrow, August 14. Please make the necessary arrangements to bring and pick up your child through the car rider line. Please notify the office at 337-585-6172 if you are unable to make arrangements. We apologize for the inconvienence.
Our First Day Altogether!
Ask specific questions about school
Talking about school is an important way to show your child that education matters. But if your child's usual answer to "How was school today?" is "Fine" or a grunt, get more specific. Ask your elementary schooler to tell you about something good that happened. Ask about how your child handled a challenge. Find out what your student is reading in class. Ask about classmates. Share something about your own day, too.
Good evening. PBE has been notified that Bus 626--Josh Nezat--is not running again tomorrow, August 13. Please make the necessary arrangements to bring and pick up your child through the car rider line. Please notify the office at 337-585-6172 if you are unable to make arrangements. We apologize for the inconvienence.
Buckle up for better conversation
Car time is perfect for talking one-on-one with your child. It's often more private, and no one can get up and leave. And when kids know parents will be looking at the road and not at them, they often share worries, fears, secrets and dreams. To turn car time into conversation time, ask your child, "What have you been thinking about lately?" Listen and make it clear you care what your child thinks.
Good evening. PBE has been notified that Bus 626--Josh Nezat--is not running tomorrow, August 12. Please make the necessary arrangements to bring and pick up your child through the car rider line. Please notify the office at 337-585-6172 if you are unable to make arrangements. We apologize for the inconvienence.
Start a reading chain reaction
Reading regularly over the summer is an important way for your child to keep reading skills from sliding. To motivate frequent reading, try this fun way of keeping track of every book your child finishes. Write the titles of the books on small strips of paper. Have your child make the strips into a paper chain. Set a goal to have the chain stretch around your child's room by the start of school in the fall!
Help your beginning reader have fun with letters
Hands-on activities let children use more than one sense to learn. To help your early reader learn letters, get out some pipe cleaners and bend them into letter shapes together. You can also make letter puzzles out of index cards. Write the capital and lowercase versions of a letter on a card. Repeat for several letters. Cut the cards in half in a curvy pattern, mix them up, and let your child match each capital letter with its lowercase mate.
Reduce the effects of violent screen content
Short of pulling the plug on TV and other media, what can you do to reduce the impact of on-screen violence on your child? Start by setting limits on screen activities. Help your child choose what to watch or play in advance. That helps avoid exposure to "whatever's on." Then, get in the habit of interacting together when your child watches or plays on screen devices. Talk about what's real and what isn't.
Create a box full of reading accomplishments
If your child is just beginning to learn to read, every new word is an accomplishment. Creating an I-Can-Read-It Box can motivate your child to keep going. Here's how it works: Ask your child to choose a familiar word to read. Write the word on an index card, have your child read it and then store the card in a file box. Each day, add a new word. Soon the box will be filled with words your child can read. Review five or six words together each day.
We are pleased to inform you that the St. Landry Parish School Board is participating in a meal service option called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). All enrolled students in the District are eligible to receive a breakfast and lunch meal at NO CHARGE to your household throughout the school year. The schools listed below (all schools) are participating for SY 2024-25:
Promote teamwork and responsibility with a chore or two
Not so long ago, it took the work of every family member, from child to grandparent, just to keep the family fed. Today, there are other important reasons why children should share the family workload. Teachers say that doing chores helps kids learn responsibility. And kids who are responsible at home are better able to take charge of their own learning at school.
Become a member of our Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) this year! Apply by going to or pick up an application at 1013 East Creswell Lane or 127 Blair St., Opelousas, LA.
Use positive phrases to motivate
The language you use affects your child's motivation to try, experiment, learn and succeed. Make a list of the negative phrases your family uses. Try to think of positive replacements. Instead of "That won't work," consider saying, "Let's try it." Replace "You can't do that by yourself" with "I can help you." If a family member slips and uses a negative phrase, offer a positive alternative.
Encourage activities that let your child practice paying attention
As children go through elementary school, their brains continue to develop. That means that with practice, your child's attention span can grow. One way you can help is by reading aloud together every day. It also helps to have your child play games or work on projects that require sitting still and listening carefully. You can also have your child describe an event, such as a trip to the park, in as much detail as possible.
Play a game to improve math memory
Here's a fun math game to try with your child. Write a different math problem (such as 4 x 2) on each of five or more cards. Write the answers on other cards. Shuffle and place the cards face down in rows. Take turns turning over two at a time. If they match (problem and correct answer), keep the cards. If they don't, return them face down. The player with the most matching pairs wins.